Personal, Social, Health Education curriculum places Social and Personal development at the heart of its design, with group discussion, self-expression and the promotion of tolerance & respect towards the opinions of others. Providing opportunities for pupils to develop confidence, resilience and knowledge to stay mentally and physically healthy.
PHSE Subject Intent
At Westcoft School, PSHE is at the core of what we do and is planned to meet the needs of our pupils enabling them to prepare for adulthood; ensuring equality of opportunity regardless of gender, race, culture, religion, social disadvantage or disability. Developing the whole child to build resilience, self-esteem and confidence in a safe learning environment. Through our whole-school approach to PSHE, it is our belief that excellence in these areas will provide pupils with both academic and personal challenges to develop morally, socially and spiritually to equip pupils for the real world.
PSHE is taught in Phases 1-5 having one specific timetabled lesson per week; time allocated for this is age appropriate. The PSHE curriculum is consistently reinforced by all staff throughout the school day. Due to the diverse learning needs of pupils, we follow a combination of the Equals and PSHE association planning framework for pupils with SEND to ensure, wider development, breadth, balance and progression for all.
Our PSHE curriculum equips pupils with relevant and meaningful content, which is supported through a strong emphasis on building resilience, nurturing mental and physical health. With an ever-changing society, we are able to provide our pupils with an awareness of the diverse world, supporting them to become positive role models; contributing to the school and the wider community. The heart of our PSHE teaching, is a commitment to enhancing and promoting our core Values.
Implementation of our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable pupils to be the best that they can be by developing communication, increasing independence and giving them the skills and knowledge to lead full and meaningful lives within society.
This ensures that skills are reinforced year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all pupils. The PSHE curriculum directs our aim on developing the whole child through an approach to developing knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of;
- Self-awareness and confidence
- Managing feelings and relationships
- The world I live in
- Changing and growing
- Keeping safe
- Developing a healthy lifestyle
By the time children leave Westcroft School they will: be ready for opportunities responsibilities and supported transitions to further education and training. With an understanding of how to stay safe, healthy and develop healthy relationships. Having an appreciation of what it means to be a positive member of a diverse, multicultural society and have a self-awareness, interlinked with empathy for others.