School Meals and Milk

Every child has lunch at school. School dinners are provided at a cost of £2.50 per meal.

Dinner money is collected on a Monday via the Arbor App, an online payment system (log in details available from the school office)

Primary School lunchtime 12.00 – 12.45 pm

Secondary School lunchtime 12.45 – 1.30 pm

Dinners are prepared in the school kitchen by catering staff, and are of a high standard. Special meals are prepared for children who have particular dietary requirements. Facilities are available for children to bring packed lunches should you choose to do so.

Some pupils will be entitled to free school meals or reduced charge meals at £1.50 per meal (flexi charge) and requests for this should be made in the first instance to school.

Semi-skimmed milk is available for a pre-determined termly payment as agreed by Wolverhampton Education Committee and notified to parents in advance.

We encourage pupils to bring a healthy packed lunch and snacks to school. Fizzy drinks or drinks high in sugar or additives are not allowed. Fresh water is available to all children at all times.