Attendance, Absence and Holidays
It is important that parents inform the school, by telephone (01902 55 8350) or email (info@westcroftschool. if their child is to be absent from school, on the first day, and third day..
Our Office Staff will chase up 1st day absences if we have not heard anything from home. Pupils whose attendance falls below 95% will be monitored closely. Persistent poor attendance, without mitigating circumstances, could lead to prosecution.
As of 19th 2024 there are new national guidelines regarding attendance. Holidays will no longer be authorised during the school term.
Unauthorised absences over 5 days during a 10 week period may result in a fine.
Holidays during term time will count as unauthorised absences.
Please see our website for details or
Miss Slym is our Assistant Head responsible for Health & Wellbeing. Her role is to ensure that attendance for all pupils is at its highest level. Miss Slym is also our designated person for Child Protection, Safeguarding and Looked After Children. As a school we have a duty of care to all our pupils and when we have concerns over the care of pupils we have a responsibility to contact social services