Important Update – Phased Returns

Hope everyone is keeping safe and well. Here is some further information on the planned phased returns from Monday 23rd onwards

  • Monday 23rdP4 S10 S11 S12 S13 and all of Key Stage 4  
  • Tuesday 24th P1 P2 P3 & Sixth Form 
  • Thursday 26thP5 P6 S8 S9 S17 

For those children being brought to school by parents the times are 8:30 – 2:30

For children who use school transport the times are 8:45 – 2:45

After school clubs remain only for key workers.

If your child or any member of the immediate family become ill and are tested, please contact the school ASAP. Many thanks for your help and support with the above. We are doing our very best to ensure that everyone remains safe and well in these difficult times.

If you require any further help or information please do not hesitate to get in touch.