We believe that students deserve a broad and balanced English curriculum, rich in skills development, knowledge, and practical real life situations, which prepares them well for future learning or employment.
English Subject Intent
Our intent is to provide an inspirational English curriculum for our children and young people. This will be highly engaging and tailored for individuals, developing both personal and academic progress; this in turn will enable our pupils to be the best that they can be by developing communication, reading, writing and independence skills.
We offer the breadth of the curriculum through delivering repetitive key English and Phonics skills, in a vast variety of situations, including an emphasis on active, practical and real-life learning throughout school.
At Westcroft, we have designed and created our own English curriculums, which include blocks of learning that sequentially build upon previous learning. This provides a framework which enables our children and young people to progress through tailored programmes of study which incorporate breadth, balance, appropriate progression and continuity.
Teaching is underpinned by the most recent pedagogical methods and rationales for SEND pupils, ensuring quality first, inclusive teaching across all strands of English in a safe and supportive environment.
Phase 1- 3
Our English curriculum has a focus on Communication, Reading, and Writing. The curriculum will give students the opportunity to develop the following skills (the delivery of these skills is directly planned for by staff who know the needs of their class individually):
View Our Reading and Writing Pathway 1
View Our Reading and Writing Pathway 2
View Our Reading and Writing Pathway 3
Throughout Phase 1-3, pupils will have discrete phonics sessions. The school programme is based around Essential Letters and Sounds
Phase 4-5
All pupils have 2 weekly English Lessons. Through a careful selection of relevant units, learners will be able to prepare for assessments whilst developing English skills that are essential for life and work. In there is a focus on developing reading, writing and communication.
View Our AIM Entry Level 1 English Yearly Overview
View Our AIM Entry Level 2 English yearly overview
View Our AIM Entry Level 3 English yearly overview
View Our AIM Entry Level 1 English – Living Independently
AIM L1 English and Maths SFLW Yearly Overview
AIM E2 English and Maths Living Independenly Yearly Overview
AIM E3 English and Maths Living Independenly Yearly Overview
Pathway 1
View Our Pathway 1 English Communiation
Pathway 2
View Our Pathway 2 English Communication
Pathway 3
View Our Pathway 3 English Communication