Westcroft School aims to provide a relevant and engaging careers programme, which meets the needs and requirements of our learners.
This programme has been developed to support learners of all abilities to achieve their full potential.
- To help pupils understand themselves, in order to enable realistic decision-making about future options.
- To motivate pupils, to improve their capabilities and achieve realistic aspirations.
- To raise pupils’ awareness of Post-14 and Post-19 opportunities in education, training and the world of work.
- To help and encourage pupils to think about the world of work, consider jobs that they might be interested in and to develop an understanding of the pathways into and the requirements of different jobs.
- To help pupils move into their chosen Post-14 or Post-19 option.
- To provide up-to-date, relevant and impartial information, advice and guidance, which meets the needs of individual pupils.
- To provide opportunities for individuals and their families to engage in active ‘career’ planning with a Connexions Personal Advisor.
- To provide work experience opportunities where appropriate that are linked to pupils’ interests and capabilities. (see Work Experience policy)
- To improve the level of independence of each pupil and, thereby, their self-esteem.
The students, teachers, employers and parents/carers will review the Careers programme for its effectiveness annually.
Our named Careers Leader is Emma Moody and can be contacted at
Careers Policy