School Update – 17th January
As we enter week three of remote learning we need to say a HUGE “thank you” to all the pupils (and parents too!) for logging into Class Dojo.
The engagement from everyone has been outstanding and the work/photos & videos being sent through are really appreciated by the teachers. A special mention needs to go to Mrs Green and S15 for 93% attendance –good job all! Remember though – you only get a daily attendance mark once one piece of work has been sent in.
Just so you are aware, if you are struggling to access Dojo through a lack of IT devices please notify the school office ASAP as we can sort this!
This week look out for Mr Pilsburys online dancing classes as this is an opportunity for all the family to get up on their feet and get involved with learning- please feel free to send us some action shots for us to enjoy!
Although we miss you all, we are still waiting for government advice about the return of pupils. Until then take care everyone and stay safe 😊